Sand, rain, wind and flame
In the end it's all the same 
At one with the spirit and also with the soul
There is no need to gain control 
This is not a life of pain and sorrow 
I will always wait until tomorrow
For the final day that will soon come 
When with you we will be one
So that I am yours and you are mine
And I will love you until the end of time
And I have waited so long up until now 
And I don't know when nor do I know how
But of one thing I am sure it will be 
Once and for all you will come to me
And there is no need to look for each other 
Because we have finally found one another
I am your soul and you are mine too
And I suppose we both already knew that
We would someday be together as one
Just like the stars the moon and the sun
So, hear me now as I call your name 
And feel the sand, rain, wind and flame
Because when it is all said and done
We will be together forever as one

© January 2, 2013  By Shea. All rights reserved.