© 2012  
by Shea. All rights reserved.                                                                              Philosophical Thoughts:                                                            Are we Dreaming the Dream or is the Dream Dreaming us?
Are We Dreaming the Dream or is the Dream Dreaming Us?
I pondered this question for a moment and I decided that, if the dream is dreaming us and us is equivalent to humanity then the dream would represent the universe.
Thinking of it this way, it would mean something that is not such a good thing since, there seems to be so much war, slander, child abuse, illness/disease,and many other kinds of dysfunctions, negativity and discord. Is the dream (in this case the universe) having a nightmare whenever humanity acts up in such a nasty way? Like the way that people often ask: Why would God allow such negativity to happen to His children? So, I was thinking that this can't be true. God would never have any nightmares at all and especially not such long term slow motion nightmares either.
So, then I thought some more about it and began to think that maybe it is "us" who are dreaming the dream. As in humanity having it's own dream about life here on earth which seems to fit a lot better since, many sages have sometimes compared humanity to the life or mind of a child in comparison to God/Heaven/the Universe/Source etc. (however we conceive God to be) 
 For example, if humanity is still young and naive and unaware of the depth of the problems in the "real world" and all of the life lessons that come with learning to grow up and learning to live peacefully and properly amongst ourselves within the world.
So, maybe it really is "us" or "humanity" dreaming the dream and all we (humanity) need to do is ask the Angels or God or the Universe (however we conceive God to be) to help us to heal the nightmare that humanity seems to have created or seems to be living. Like when a child wakes up from a bad dream in the middle of the night and runs into the arms of a nurturing parent to be soothed and reassured that it's all okay and "we will all survive this together because we have each other". Maybe THAT is what humanity needs to do. Wake-up from this self created nightmare and reach for a Higher Power however that Higher Power is understood. Stop blaming and controlling and attacking each other and LISTEN to the Higher Power's nurturing words.
Maybe THIS message will help us all dream a BETTER dream, a Healthier Dream, a Dream with Angels, and Love and Light and ALL manner of BLESSINGS regardless of who each person within humanity may be.....that is the BEST Dream of all. The kind of Dream that could bring ALL of humanity up, closer to THEE original Dream that our heavenly creators had for us all in the first place. This would then lead to the Reality of the Dream: that neither are we Dreaming the Dream nor is the Dream Dreaming us. The Dream itself is being healed from the pain of separation. In other words, humanity is NOT separate from the Dream nor is the Dream separate from us. Thus releasing the need to ever ask the question at all. Because the Dream (The Universe) was never meant to nor ever really was separate from the Dreamer (humanity) in the first place. 
It is the "nightmare" that we all experience every day that is the ILLUSION. In this case the Illusion of separation from God/Creator/Angels/Love/Light etc.
© Saturday, August 18th, 2012 at 11:31 pm  by Shea B. Springford